6.9. Linux-4.0.3 API Headers

The Linux API Headers (in linux-4.0.3.tar.xz) expose the kernel's API for use by Glibc.

Approximate build time: less than 0.1 SBU
Required disk space: 662 MB

6.9.1. Installation of Linux API Headers

The Linux kernel needs to expose an Application Programming Interface (API) for the system's C library (Glibc in LFS) to use. This is done by way of sanitizing various C header files that are shipped in the Linux kernel source tarball.

Make sure there are no stale files and dependencies lying around from previous activity:

make mrproper

Now extract the user-visible kernel headers from the source, placing them in the standard package staging directory:

make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=debian/tmp/usr headers_install

Remove some hidden files used by the kernel developers and not needed by LFS from the staging directory:

find debian/tmp/usr/include \( -name .install -o -name ..install.cmd \) -delete

Create the package archive:

buildpkg --package=linux-headers

Install the package:

dpkg -i ../linux-headers_4.0.3_*.deb


linux-headers-pass1 cannot be removed yet as the toolchain built in the previous chapter still requires it.

6.9.2. Contents of Linux API Headers

Installed headers: /usr/include/asm/*.h, /usr/include/asm-generic/*.h, /usr/include/drm/*.h, /usr/include/linux/*.h, /usr/include/mtd/*.h, /usr/include/rdma/*.h, /usr/include/scsi/*.h, /usr/include/sound/*.h, /usr/include/video/*.h, and /usr/include/xen/*.h
Installed directories: /usr/include/asm, /usr/include/asm-generic, /usr/include/drm, /usr/include/linux, /usr/include/mtd, /usr/include/rdma, /usr/include/scsi, /usr/include/sound, /usr/include/video, and /usr/include/xen

Short Descriptions


The Linux API ASM Headers


The Linux API ASM Generic Headers


The Linux API DRM Headers


The Linux API Linux Headers


The Linux API MTD Headers


The Linux API RDMA Headers


The Linux API SCSI Headers


The Linux API Sound Headers


The Linux API Video Headers


The Linux API Xen Headers